Community Grants Program

This is a preview of the Community Grants Program form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Is my organisation eligible?

* indicates a required field.

Welcome to the Loddon Shire Council Community Grants Program.

Before accessing the form, please complete the following questions to ensure your organisation is eligible to apply for a community grant.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you have current public liability insurance (to the minimum of $20 million)?" on page 1

A copy of your current public liability insurance certificate must be submitted as part of the application.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Do you have an outstanding acquittal from a previous community grant round?" on page 1

Please send an email to requesting confirmation of whether your organisation has any outstanding acquittals.

Council Officers will conduct a search and advise of any projects which have an outstanding acquittal.

Responsibility of others

Community Grants will not fund activities (programs, services, projects or initiatives) that are the responsibility of others:

  • activities that Council considers the responsibility of other authorities, agencies or levels of government
  • proposals that address shortfalls in funding from other authorities levels of government
  • curriculum based activities or where the activity is confined to the school or kindergarten, including groups and organisations proposing work with schools and kindergartens (excluding shared facility use by community groups for their specific activity - for example local cricket clubs using school ovals

Funding ratio

Grants are available for a maximum of $10,000 including GST.

The grant will fund projects on a 2:1 basis - meaning that for every $2 provided by Council, successful applicants must contribute a minimum of $1 towards the cost of a project.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have all quotes for the project been received?" on page 1

All quotes for the project must be submitted as part of the application.

This section is not applicable because of your response to question: "Have you got a copy of your organisation's most recent bank account (from within the last 3 months)?" on page 1

A copy of the organisation's most recent bank account must be submitted as part of the application.